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Here we share publications connected with
Nami-Daman cultural heritage and histories

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New book! Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: Conservation Histories, Policies and Practices in North-west Namibia. 

This collection examines the conservation histories and concerns of one of southern Africa’s most iconic conservation regions: the variously connected ‘Etosha-Kunene’ areas of north-central and north-west Namibia. This cross-disciplinary volume brings together contributions from a Namibian and international group of scholars and conservation practitioners, working on topics ranging from colonial histories to water management, perceptions of ‘wildlife’ and the politics of belonging. Together, these essays confront a critical question: how can the conservation of biodiversity-rich landscapes be reconciled with historical injustices of social exclusion and marginalisation?

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!Nara harvesters of the northern Namib:
a cultural history through three photographed encounters

by Sullivan, S. and Ganuses, W.S. 2022 in Journal of the Namibian Scientific Society 69: 115-139, Special Issue “Gobabeb@60”

Maps and memory, rights and relationships:

articulations of global modernity and local dwelling in delineating land for a communal-area conservancy in north-west Namibia

by Sian Sullivan for Special Issue entitled "Disrupted Histories, Recovered Pasts", Conserveries mémorielles  25

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Booklet to accompany the Future Pasts multi-media exhibition, held in
Bath (2017) and Swakopmund (2019),

compiled by Sullivan, S., Ganuses, WS., Hannis, M., Impey, A., Low, C. and Rohde, R.


more publications will be added soon ...

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